birds, GitUp, merch, Redbubble Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, merch, Redbubble Ostdrossel .

New mask style on Redbubble

Redbubble has made fitted masks available, and I have added a couple to the shop too. They can be found here:, but I am also linking the photos below. Code DEALS2020 takes off between 20 and 60% of selected products there all weekend, according to Redbubble. Profits of these will go into the donation bucket.

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orga Ostdrossel . orga Ostdrossel .

October donation

I have split up this month’s charity donation. One part went to the Center for Disaster Philanthropy to help their efforts with Covid-19 relief, the other part went to the Wildlife Conservation Society in honor and memory of a good friend and wildlife lover.

(I have yet to decide on a new charity. Feeding America has sold my data, so I am currently getting swamped with (mostly political) charity requests, and while I generally love what they do, this has left a bitter taste. If you know of a worthy cause, feel free to email or message me.)

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birds, merch, Redbubble Ostdrossel . birds, merch, Redbubble Ostdrossel .

Donation to Feeding America

Thanks to your generosity, I was able to donate $46 to Feeding America today. The next donation will go to the Center for Disaster Philanthropy. Check out all available face masks (and other cool stuff) in my Redbubble shop or here at

I am also planning to make calendars again this year. There will be an update when the time has come.

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merch, orga, Redbubble Ostdrossel . merch, orga, Redbubble Ostdrossel .

Donation to the Native American Rights Fund

Thanks to all of you and your generosity, I was able to donate $243 to the Native American Rights Fund. The profits of the current mask sales with go to Feeding America again. Thank you all for being so generous. Wear a mask to increase the safety of yourself and others during this pandemic. You can find all masks that I have available here on or at my Redbubble shop Be safe out there and come good into the week!

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birds, merch, photo Ostdrossel . birds, merch, photo Ostdrossel .

Mask profit donations starting August 1st

I have decided to donate all mask profits starting from today throughout the month of August to Feeding America again. All mask profits from July 1st to August 1st will be donated to the Native American Rights Fund on the 15th when I receive the money from Redbubble. You have been very generous so far, thank you for that. Stay safe, wear a mask and help a good cause, even if you just share the link. The masks can be purchased right at or at my Redbubble shop, There, you can also find stickers and other things if you want to contribute to the bird food budget :)

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