birds, merch, Redbubble Ostdrossel . birds, merch, Redbubble Ostdrossel .


Because of you, I was able to make a 400 Dollar donation towards the relief efforts of World Central Kitchen ( this morning. The are on the ground and help people by providing nutritious food. I decided to go with them because I am a food lover, I know how important a full belly is and also because I admire the work that WCK does. I will continue the fundraiser, you can find my shop here: Have a wonderful day!

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birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

Goodbye, 2020!

This has been an odd year by all standards, and while I loved some aspects of it, I have to say I am happy that it is over. I want to thank all of you once again for being here and loving the birds with me. I hope you are all safe and as healthy as can be, so we can all take 2021 on in the best shape possible. Thank you and a happy 2021 to all of you.

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orga, Redbubble Ostdrossel . orga, Redbubble Ostdrossel .

We had planned

for a while to make physical donations to help the homeless in our area but since COVID is still ravaging, we have decided to donate the money instead to help those who distribute food to people who cannot afford it, and do that more efficiently than we ever could. So this donation went to World Central Kitchen. You can read all about their inspiring efforts on their website, We will continue to try and support those who are less fortunate than us by donating portions of the profits from Ostdrossel mask sales. You can find all masks at the main page of and on Redbubble. Thank you all for the support ❤️

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birb, borb, birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birb, borb, birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

Lots of rain today,

and I am gazing at the fascinating wonder of rain drops on bird feathers outside. I hope you all have a dry spot today, and a belly full of food. I am thankful to have you to share my photos and stories with, and also grateful to have the luxury of feeding birds. I hope you all have a good day today. It might be different from other years, but it is the spirit that counts. And always has, if you are being honest :) Happy Thanksgiving!

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Redbubble Ostdrossel . Redbubble Ostdrossel .

We did it!

Thanks to your generosity, Feeding America will be able to provide 9790 meals to people in need. THANK YOU SO MUCH, this has been an absolutely wonderful experience during these wild times. ⁠
The masks will continue to be available, and I will continue to donate the profits received from them. Until further notice, also future donations will be made to Feeding America.⁠
If you don't have a mask but would like one and support the cause, go choose your favorite now on or at my Redbubble shop.

(For this first donation, I used all profits from my Redbubble shop including from stickers and other things, that added up from the Redbubble payments from the last two months, and we rounded the sum up.)⁠

Today is a great day.

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birds, merch, Redbubble Ostdrossel . birds, merch, Redbubble Ostdrossel .

Kudos, birdlovers.

I checked my Redbubble shop today, and mask sales have amounted to $902.30! This is impressive and stunning and makes me so proud. I will get paid by Redbubble on the 15th, and will make the donation to Feeding America right away. If you want to make this a round number, go and get yourself a mask too. I linked them on here, or you can go to my Redbubble shop


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Ostdrossel . Ostdrossel .

I hope

you all had a great first of May. The weather was glorious here! Anyways, I have been very busy, so I did not have a lot of time to go through photos. But the cameras are out, and hopefully tonight I will have a couple. To hold you over, here is a Black-capped Chickadee.

I also would like to thank all of you who ordered masks so far. You have been STELLAR, and profits from the masks are nearing 400 Dollars so far. It looks like I will be donating the profits to Feeding America. Redbubble pays in monthly intervalls, so there is still plenty of time to get a mask and help the cause. If you have wishes for color combos or motifs , let me know. I will try to add links to as well, so they can be found easier.

Thank you all, and have a beautiful Saturday (I can’t even tell what day it is anymore, oh boy)!

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