birds, merch, Redbubble Ostdrossel . birds, merch, Redbubble Ostdrossel .


Because of you, I was able to make a 400 Dollar donation towards the relief efforts of World Central Kitchen ( this morning. The are on the ground and help people by providing nutritious food. I decided to go with them because I am a food lover, I know how important a full belly is and also because I admire the work that WCK does. I will continue the fundraiser, you can find my shop here: Have a wonderful day!

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birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

First snow day

of the season, and while a lot was the same as normal, these guys showed up as well - a male and female Cowbird. People do not like them a lot once they figure them out, but hear me out! They have a function in nature, and , you might have guessed it - humans screwed things up for them. I like them, so HELLO!

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birds, merch, Redbubble Ostdrossel . birds, merch, Redbubble Ostdrossel .

Kudos, birdlovers.

I checked my Redbubble shop today, and mask sales have amounted to $902.30! This is impressive and stunning and makes me so proud. I will get paid by Redbubble on the 15th, and will make the donation to Feeding America right away. If you want to make this a round number, go and get yourself a mask too. I linked them on here, or you can go to my Redbubble shop


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