birds, nest, nestbox, video, Wyze Ostdrossel . birds, nest, nestbox, video, Wyze Ostdrossel .

Nestbox news: Bird talk

The other day while playing around on TikTok, I found out that there is an auto-caption feature that looks through a video to detect speech. You can set it to whatever language you like and it will scan the video to see if it picks anything up. Now since a couple of days ago I saw it interpreting BB talk into a phrase, I am trying with every BB video I have to see what comes up. And this morning, there was a whole cute little dialogue going on. It is so cute. As somebody who is a professional subtitler, I find this highly interesting but also amusing. AI subtitling may have improved a lot recently, but if you are being serious about it, a human subtitler, interpreter and translator is the way to go.

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birds, baby bird, nest, nestbox, video, Wyze Ostdrossel . birds, baby bird, nest, nestbox, video, Wyze Ostdrossel .

Nestbox news: Day 4

A happy Father’s Day to all dads and father figures out there, including my own, a happy Juneteenth to everybody, and some nestbox news. The babies are now 4 days old. The weather has cooled down to lovely temperatures, the parents are finding lots of food in our garden, and things look great. I will keep the Wren guard up until day 7, just to be on the safe side. I am so happy this works.

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birds, GitUp, nestbox, nest, photo, Wyze Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, nestbox, nest, photo, Wyze Ostdrossel .

Nestbox news: It's getting interesting

Gayle has continued to haul material into the box all morning, and now a nestcup is beginning to form. I would not be surprised if she laid her first egg tomorrow, but we will see. Here is the nest as it looks today, and photos of Gayle and Mr. Business. He is the one with more blue.

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birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

The BBs

continue to stick around as well. In between visiting the nestboxes, they go to the caged mealworm feeder, filling their bellies and sharing the bounty with the Juncos who have also figured out how to get in there. The Bluebirds and I also have a little habit - in the evening when the daily traffic has basically ended, about five of them line up on the power lines and wait for me to fill the camera bowls. Then it is raining Bluebirds and I am finishing the birding day with a big smile on my face.

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baby bird, birds, nest, nestbox, photo Ostdrossel . baby bird, birds, nest, nestbox, photo Ostdrossel .

BB update!

Two of the Bluebird babies have fledged today! And unfortunately, I was not htere to witness it. It was kind of funny, I knew they were getting antsy from seeing them in the box, so I got my camera ready outside. And then I waited. And watched them. And waited more. They teased a lot, several times a baby was half way out throughout the day, and then just got back into the box and they all napped. It is a big step to leave that nest. I thought things would happen tomorrow. But in between when I took breaks, things happened. Two babies made it out and will spend an exciting night with Dr. Clara and Mandrake out in the big world. The two in the box are cuddling and will fledge first thing in the morning, I reckon. They look adorable, sleeping in the nest, turning like a tiny clock and breathing in unison. Bird babies are the best.

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