BB update!

Two of the Bluebird babies have fledged today! And unfortunately, I was not htere to witness it. It was kind of funny, I knew they were getting antsy from seeing them in the box, so I got my camera ready outside. And then I waited. And watched them. And waited more. They teased a lot, several times a baby was half way out throughout the day, and then just got back into the box and they all napped. It is a big step to leave that nest. I thought things would happen tomorrow. But in between when I took breaks, things happened. Two babies made it out and will spend an exciting night with Dr. Clara and Mandrake out in the big world. The two in the box are cuddling and will fledge first thing in the morning, I reckon. They look adorable, sleeping in the nest, turning like a tiny clock and breathing in unison. Bird babies are the best.


It rained cats and dogs today,


Video: Here comes the sun...