Come for the snow piles,

stay for the Cardinal voice 😆 This is pretty much a typical day right now. These clips are from the Birdfy 2 Pro cam, and you can see how the lens moves to where the action is. I like this camera because it is so clear but it is not always super accurate. In this case, it worked out perfectly with the interactions. I am overall still enjoying the Birdfy 2 feeder, even though I sometimes wish the wide angle lens would not be as wide and fishlensy as it is. I started out with photos only but all these different cameras for video are giving lots of fun insights into everyday bird live that I find very intriguing.

If you are interested in the Birdfy 2 cam feeder, you can check it out in the link below. With the promo code OSTDROSSEL, you will get 15 % off. LINK.

Several birds visit the Birdfy feeder on a snowy day. A Chickadee looks over the piled up snow, Mourning Doves arrive, and then Cardinals fight for dominance by also raising their voice.


After weeks of relative calm


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