Feeling cute, might delete later...
I think the MoDos should develop a modeling course.
They certainly know what they are doing in front of the camera. 😆
Video: MoDo at the bath
Now that there is not as much action at the bath anymore because it is getting cooler, I thought it would be fun to change the focus of the bath cam a bit towards the edge. This MoDo couldn’t help itself and had to show off.
Everybody was enjoying
this nice, shadowy spot. At least until…
On a sidenote, that Titter looks so happy!
It's Labor Day weekend
and things have slowed down and it is a nice time to relax a bit. I hope everyone in the US has a nice Labor day. Here is a young MoDo to ring in late summer. I love the way their faces look “shadowed”.
We got a good amount of rain
the other day, so here are some birds with rain drop jewelry.
(Common Grackle, Blue Jay, Mourning Dove)
MoDo faces
The Mourning Doves in my yard seem to absolutely love the camera. This can be funny fr stuff like these portraits but it can also be a bit bothersome because they can hog a feeder and prevent other birds to get to it. Also in quite an aggressive fashion, as I have witnessed. I am currently considering to set up a mock camera feeder just for them. With a box, a box and a little hand mirror. I’ll let you know if it works.
Mourning Doves
are so good with the couple photos. I swear they know what they are doing. They can be quite aggressive but always come across so serene in their photos.
Power stance.
I know it is a repetitive pose, but I love it because they all have so much individual character.
(MoDo, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Blue jay, Grackle)
Teen beau
While the adults are busy taking care of new eggs or babies, some of the teens that hatched last year are hanging around and look a little lonely. But also super adorable, like this Rose-breasted Grosbeak teen. I love this stage where the adult feathers are mixing in with the baby plumage. He appears to have some crud on his nose but otherwise seems to be fine. I bet he is looking forward to meeting his new siblings.
A double puff
is better than a single puff. Grackles have a very impressive way of showing their beauty and dominance during mating season.