Yesterday, I rolled up my sleeves


and put the pond back together. Activity by the bird bath had been rather low, and it has been bothering me not to be able to watch the pond shenanigans. I took my good time and got it done, and in the evening, there was already more activity than in the week before. It is going to get warmer now, so that felt like the perfect timing. I am streaming it here, as well as a nest of Robins that I put a camera on while they are finishing the nest. The babies are almost ready to fledge and it is fun to see them grow. I also put out my photo setup again after a long while yesterday. Just one, and here are some visitors. A female and a male Redwinged Blackbird, a wet Blue Jay and a confused Oriole (wrong dish, mister!)


Nestwatch news: Robins


A life-sign, and some care-taking