Canon, photo Ostdrossel . Canon, photo Ostdrossel .

I got to spend the weekend

with family in northern Michigan, visiting orchards and wineries and enjoying the spectacular show nature is putting on there. The colors of the trees are mesmerizing, I have never seen anything like it in person, and we had cloudy skies. But it is also nice to be back home. We are expecting our first signs of frost tonight, so I hope that more bird activity is upon us. Have a beautiful Sunday evening!

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birds, animal, Canon, critters, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, animal, Canon, critters, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

I have been

on a much needed little break from the everyday and my computer and spent the weekend with family in the beautiful north of Michigan. There is an abundance of wildlife there, and lots of birds. I brought my cameras along but the birds there are not used to them and declined to check them out. So I decided to relax and listen. The Merlin app is a great little tool to explore your surroundings in regards to bird song. Here is my list from six minutes yesterday morning, my attempt to take a photo of the Chestnut-sided Warbler, one of the many Cedar Waxwings, and some of the unfeathered creatures. Here’s to a great Monday and week!

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