birds, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel . birds, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel .

Video: A sunbather

On very hot days, it can happen that birds go into an odd-looking pose, spreading out their wings, beak open and just remaining like that for a bit. It can look concerning, but it does not mean they are sick or injured - they are taking a sunbath. The reason is not entirely clear, and explanations range from plumage care to personal enjoyment. If you want to read more, you could check this article. (Birds also sometimes do something called “anting” where they sit in a spot with lots of ants, also for plumage care, but here, the Blue Jay is sunbathing.)

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birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

With these Blue Jays

I want to wish everybody a nice and safe 4th of July. Don’t use hand sanitizer right before you light up the grill or fireworks ;)

(The one on the left is still either molting or fighting some kind of mites. The one on the right was taking a sunbath at the feeder. You might have seen birds do that, they spread the wings flat on the ground and turn towards the sun. Often, the beak is open and they look like they might have an issue or are paralyzed. In reality, they are just taking care of their feathers. Getting rid of parasites and such.)

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