birds, Birdsy, spring migration, video Ostdrossel . birds, Birdsy, spring migration, video Ostdrossel .

Video: The Count is back

The yard is filled with sounds of spring, as the Redwinged Blackbirds and Grackles have returned this week. We are still expecting frost too, but it is nice to see and hear more signs of spring. This one is a returner, I recognize him by his white spot, which also marks him as one of the family of the Count in my book. I sped the video up in the middle so everybody watches long enough to see him disapproving of the lack of peanuts in the bowl 😁⁠

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birds, photo Ostdrossel . birds, photo Ostdrossel .

The King of the Yard

is constantly serenading his chosen beauty at the moment, especially in the early morning and evening hours. Since traffic is down because of the stay at home order, every morning sounds like Sunday morning at the moment, and it is an absolute delight to wake up to a Cardinal singing.

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