birds, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel . birds, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel .

Video: Robins at the bird bath

Robins are natural born bathers, and will use a bird bath frequently. The Birdsy camera captured this hilarious scene involving three excited Robins and a Starling that was not tolerated at bathing time.

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birds, video, Birdsy Ostdrossel . birds, video, Birdsy Ostdrossel .

Video: White-crowned Sparrow bathing

White-crowned Sparrows are a native species of America, and I only get them in my yard during migration time. It is hard to capture photos of them too because they are quick, shy and only rarely go to the feeders. The Birdsy camera caught him taking a bath, and he goes into the pool just like me :D

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