birds, calendar, GitUp, merch, photo Ostdrossel . birds, calendar, GitUp, merch, photo Ostdrossel .

The February bird

in my calendar is a Song Sparrow. This is a species that I rarely get in front of my cameras or in my backyard. The photo was taken on a lovely day that I spent at the Belle Isle Nature Center in Detroit last winter, talking to fellow nature lovers and showing my setup. They were nice enough to allow me to set up my camera outside their fabulous birdwatching window, and that is when this beautiful native sparrow came. It was a day full of snow, and I absolutely loved the wild, wintery background.

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bird bath, birds, Birdsy, fall migration, video Ostdrossel . bird bath, birds, Birdsy, fall migration, video Ostdrossel .

Video: Chipping Sparrows at the pond

A group of Chippers has landed in the yard this morning, and made good use of the bath. These are native Sparrows in the US, tiny cute little things that are fun to have around.

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bird bath, birds, Birdsy, video, fall migration Ostdrossel . bird bath, birds, Birdsy, video, fall migration Ostdrossel .

Video: White-crowned Sparrows

A nice little fall migration surprise this morning. There was also a White-throated Sparrow earlier. I only see these birds during migration times, so it is always special when they are around. They are larger than the average sparrow and have a pretty call as well.

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baby bird, birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . baby bird, birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

Two young House Sparrows

are sharing a spot at the bowl. A group of them often comes around at this time of the year. The youngsters are cute, but as someone who also has a Bluebird nestbox in the yard, I am always quite happy when I don’t see any House sparrows. If you are interested in the challenges and aspects of the relationship between House Sparrows and Bluebirds, check out the very informative

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birb, birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birb, birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

Pretty bird ladies

I usually don’t post House Sparrows, but they are around right now, and I thought the portrait of this young one was very sweet. It fit well together with the Cardi lady who also sat still to have her picture taken.

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birds, photo Ostdrossel . birds, photo Ostdrossel .

.303 lifetime batting average and over 1600 R.B.I.

Meet Chipper Jones.

When I saw him on the Birdsy cam, I put a camera on the ground close by because I often see the Chipping Sparrows foraging on the ground. And I am delighted that he came in for a portrait because I didn’t have a Chipping Sparrow check out the cameras in quite a bit.

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