birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

Despite the Starlings,

it was a super nice snow day, and today there was sun! Snow and sun are fantastic conditions for the cameras, and produce great photos and videos. Plus - lots of traffic! I was so happy because there was so little action in recent weeks. Here is a little potpourri. The Junco looked so unusual and cool with all the browns, I loved the two different Cardi ladies, and the Carolina Wren was back!

It is always funny how snow brings them all out. The Juncos love the area around the bird bath, and there is a large group foraging around there all day. They look so cute jumping back and forth to scratch up the snow. There are lots and lots of Goldfinches, and the Cardinal family ist huge, I counted seven individuals tonight.

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birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

More snow today!

And the Goldfinches were plenty. Some of them are already starting to get patches of brighter yellow, slowly transitioning to their mating plumage.

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Birdsy, critters, video Ostdrossel . Birdsy, critters, video Ostdrossel .

Video: Sir Hoppy Swiftfoot!

This bunny has been coming every night all winter long, but tonight when we got quite a bit of snow, he made it up onto the feeder. This feeding station is about a foot off the ground, and I am very impressed with his survival skills. I also think he is super adorable.

Good night, stay warm and have a great Wednesday!

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