birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

It was another

dreary day today, and with feeders down, there was of course not a lot going on. I did notice that squirrels really do not like the hot bark butter but scraped the remains off the tree for the night so the Flying Squirrel is happy. And I dug into my folders of photos from the past. These are from a year ago today, and I have never published them. The BBs were visiting a lot because it was cold for a long time. Sigh. Come good into Friday!

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birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

One good part about

being very meticulous and passionate about making sure the Bluebirds can nest safely is that they may return in fall and winter. This has been the case here ever since I started putting out nestboxes, and made Eastern Bluebirds a year-round delight for me. I am aware that I am lucky and spoiled but I can also tell you that nesting season is creating tense times in this household. Anyways, with colder weather they are showing up again, and some still have the baby specks showing through. I like to pick individuals, and one of the girls looks like she has very pronounced “jowls”.

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birb, birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birb, birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

As I promised,

here are some more Bluebird photos. And it is funny, but sometimes I feel like my setup was just made for them, they usually get the best shots and videos. It might be their size but maybe also their behavior. They seemingly like to sit and examine. With resting birb face 🤣 The second to last photo nicely shows the color difference between male (left) and female (right) 💙

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birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

The smurf family

is here regularly now, finding their way back to the caged feeder, the bird bath, and also peeking into the nestbox several times a day. I wonder what they are thinking because I made a little bed of dry grass in there for the Downy that is using it as a roosting spot. Here is a female BB. I am not sure if it is Lagertha, it might just as well be one of her kids. It is the same bird, these are from a series of photos.

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