birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

Look who it is!

In the last couple of days, I have heard that familiar Woodpecker chatter nearby, and I was hoping that my Woodpecker drought would soon be over. Well, it looks like it finally is. This guy came yesterday, and I think it is a young one from this summer that is just starting to molt into adult feathers. It is interesting how the bird populations fluctuate in general, but it all felt different this year and I was getting a bit worried. We had a lot of rain this summer though, and just guessing from my own garden I would say it is safe to assume that nature has an abundance of foods available right now. And I guess with birds coming and going things will never get boring either.

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birds, baby bird, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, baby bird, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

The Red-bellied Woodpeckers

have been bringing their young ones to the yards in recent weeks, and I was only ever able to hear them, they sound like a high-pitched, sharp and excited whistle-woosh. Now yesterday, one of the babies finally dared to come to the camera. I love these “unfinished” woodpeckers, no matter what species, their babies are stinking adorable. In the coming weeks, it will become more clear if this is a male or a female when the feathers on the head begin to take more color. The males are all red while the females have a grey forehead and red cap.

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birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

There is a new kid in town,

a Red-bellied Woodpecker that I have not seen before. I named him Wally, short for Walnut. He has the best eyebrows!

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birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

The Woodpeckers

were happy today. I thought it was funny that the Downy came to the camera feeder. And I am crossing my fingers that one Woodpecker species will choose to nest in my bos this year.

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birds, borb, GitUp, merch, photo, calendar Ostdrossel . birds, borb, GitUp, merch, photo, calendar Ostdrossel .

Christmas is getting closer

and in the days leading up to it, I am going to go through this year's calendar birds. You can get an Ostdrossel calendar in my shop here or following the link here at There are four sizes available (the 8.5 one has a second, larger option).

The cover bird is a MoDo. This species has turned out to be an exceptional camera lover that creates some of the most hilarious portraits. The January bird is a male Red-bellied Woodpecker. They are quirky goofballs with a love for nuts, and we have them here all year. Last summer, we built a nestbox that would fit them, and we hope to get to see them raise a brood one day.

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birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

On my quest

to not have the sun shine directly into the camera, I move my setup around a lot with the change of the seasons, and I am always looking for new backgrounds. This is one I recently started using, and today, the light was really lovely for a bit.

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