Birdsy, critters, video Ostdrossel . Birdsy, critters, video Ostdrossel .

Video: Raccoon babies!

We noticed a nipply mommy raccoon recently, and were wondering if or when we would see babies. Well, tonight they came. Once again, I did not have the heart to edit, so please enjoy five minutes of baby racoons, and choose your favorite :D

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Birdsy, critters, video Ostdrossel . Birdsy, critters, video Ostdrossel .

Video: A Michigan Stand-off

The Opossum was back tonight! But also meeting a Raccoon. This was neat because I have never seen the 'possum show it's teeth. We are still wondering if we will see a mommy opossum walk by carrying the babies.

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Birdsy, critters, video Ostdrossel . Birdsy, critters, video Ostdrossel .

Video: Turf war!

Trash panda and smelly teddy are having a turf war over spilled seed. The skunk’s defense is giving the word buttress a whole new meaning 😆 Bird traffic has slowed down a lot right now, so the photo bounty is a bit meagre. With temperatures dropping, things will pick up soon again. I am still hoping for some Evening Grosbeaks, but so far I got none.

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Birdsy, critters, video Ostdrossel . Birdsy, critters, video Ostdrossel .

Video: Nightly visitors

From last night. I have so many questions 🤣

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