Video: Yesterday at some point,
power came back for a little bit, but with lower voltage. We were hopeful, so I put the cameras back out, and they recorded for a little bit. Now this morning, we are back to no power and the generator. I am glad I decided early to use the generator because I had deadlines and did not want to risk damaging the computer or losing data. Anyways, in between that tiny timeframe, this adorable young hummer came to the grape jelly. I lowered the volume in this video to make the generator noise less noisy but you can still hear the tiny chirp. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day power-wise. I am beginning to tire of this.
Power might still be out
until Sunday night, but thanks to the generator, I was able to go through the photos of Wednesday today before it all went down. I feel a little bad because I cannot replenish the bird baths because we are on a well and have to preserve water right now, but I have put out some food today and might put the photos cams out tomorrow too. There are still some Orioles, but it feels like with the storm most of the summer guests have been swooped away. It is weird being so long without power, I never experienced it. And generators are amazing. Be safe and enjoy the weekend!