animal, Birdsy, critters, video Ostdrossel . animal, Birdsy, critters, video Ostdrossel .

Video: Surprise night visitor!

Yesterday in the evening, I decided to put some peanut butter on the branch to see if anybody would come to check it out during the night. We have several species of squirrels in Michigan, and this is one of them - a Flying squirrel. These guys look like straight out of an animation movie, and they are so elusive and fast that it is hard to spot them, let alone capture them on film or photo. This is not perfect but still a lot of fun to watch, and only the second time I saw one in my yard.

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birds, bird bath, Birdsy, animal, critters, video Ostdrossel . birds, bird bath, Birdsy, animal, critters, video Ostdrossel .

Videos: late summer life at the community pool

There is still not a lot happening at the moment so I am thankful even for little scenes.

I love Nasturtium and this year, it grows like crazy all over the yard (but also in a fenced-off section in my veggie garden). I often gather some for salads or just to eat plain. It has a peppery flavor. I am surprised to see that the groundhog likes it too, but it also looks like it has to take a big sip right after 😜 Once again, I know they are destructive but they just crack me up.

Happy Friday!


Robins are some of the best bathers around, and I thought it was so funny how these two made way for the young Flicker. I never see Flickers at my feeders so I always love it when they pop up at the bath.

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