birds, photo, migration Ostdrossel . birds, photo, migration Ostdrossel .

Sometimes the backyard birder

has to venture out to see birds that would never visit their yard. I heard that people saw Common Redpolls in the area, and I got lucky to find a little flock, happily munching on native grasses and berries. I have never seen those cuties before, so it was very special. They were mostly feeding on the ground, but at some point, one jumped onto this plant right in front of me. And I was happy to have my camera ready to go. We are expecting snow this week - stay warm and in good spirits!

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birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

He is not camera shy...

This is my new favorite bird! I wonder if he is coming back tomorrow, but I am thinking about a name for him right now. Such a gorgeous goofball, I am in love!

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birds, Birdsy, fall migration, GitUp, photo, video Ostdrossel . birds, Birdsy, fall migration, GitUp, photo, video Ostdrossel .

There's a new kid on the block!

Today, I spotted a bird at the feeders that I thought looked unusual. I grabbed the camera to get a closer look and snap some photos. Well, as it turns out, this is a juvenile Red-headed Woodpecker. I have only ever seen one one time, and that was in northern Michigan. It is a very elegant and beautiful species, and I am so happy about this. He liked the seed cylinder, so I quickly changed the Birdsy setup to try and capture some video of him too. I hope you enjoy.

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birds, GitUp, photo, spring migration Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo, spring migration Ostdrossel .

Another first today!

A young male Orchard Oriole. For comparison, the dark one is the full-grown adult. The yellow one is one that hatched last summer, and I am excited because I never had one in my yard. The female is more shy, seemingly, I have never seen one, but I hope they are nesting somewhere close.

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