animal, critters, photo Ostdrossel . animal, critters, photo Ostdrossel .

I have tried

to get photos of the White-throated Sparrows that have been hanging around for about a week now and put a cam on the ground but to no avail. Squirrels and the groundhog were happy though. The first one here has also been nibbling on black walnuts, as you can tell by the darker ring around his mouth 😆

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animal, critters, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . animal, critters, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

Where there's bird seed,

there will also be critters, and the Chipmunks are one of my favorite. They just make me laugh. They are tough to get good photos of with my setup because they move so fast, but I got lucky with this one 😆.

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animal, critters, photo Ostdrossel . animal, critters, photo Ostdrossel .

I feel a little bad

for not posting a lot of photos recently but I swear things have really slowed down here and gotten a bit boring. I am still chasing pics of the baby Cardis, there are several, but so far I have been unlucky. For that quest, I am putting a camera on the ground. The squirrels and the Groundhog are loving this 😆 I found it interesting to see how muddied the black ones look - you can really see that they are simply a grey squirrel morph. And one of them has an adorably flopsy ear.

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animal, critters, photo Ostdrossel . animal, critters, photo Ostdrossel .

The furries

are also quite active, now that all the plants are lush and the flowers start to bloom. This weekend, we also saw a young Groundhog (the one here is Forrest, the big guy), as well as a bunny and some toads. There is a mole digging tunnels all over the backyard too.

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animal, critters, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . animal, critters, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

And when the camera is on the ground,

non-winged creatures also find their way there. And this Groundhog seems to have had a blast 😆 Get something fun to eat and come good into the weekend!

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Birdsy, critters, video Ostdrossel . Birdsy, critters, video Ostdrossel .

Video: The squirrels

have taken over this ground feeder,

and they are taking the most hilarious videos.

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critters, calendar, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . critters, calendar, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

Every person

that feeds birds at one point will encounter one situation. The critters will find out that there is food, and they will try to get to those goodies. There is a number of ways to keep the bird food budget tight - with the help of squirrel-proof feeders or foods - but some also enjoy watching these entertaining rodents. This one looked so adorable that I decided to include it in the calendar this year. Meet the September “bird”.

You can get an Ostdrossel calendar here on or here.

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critters, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . critters, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

The price you pay

when you’re hunting that teen Cardi and put the cam on the ground… Here’s one of each squirrel kind I have visiting. Top left to bottom right: Fox Squirrel (that is the largest kind), Eastern Gray Squirrel, American Red Squirrel (tiniest here and feisty, and I think this one is preggo), and a melanistic Gray Squirrel.

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critters, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . critters, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

Squirrel break!

I heard the young Cardinals calling again yesterday, so I thought I would put the camera on the ground to see if I could capture them. Well, look who got busted :D I really enjoy that background, and the squirrels also contribute to the garden by planting sunflowers all over the place, so they deserve representation here too.

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critters, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . critters, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

Mr. Vacuum,

the Chipmunk, is still around and makes me giggle every time I see him. I know they can be destructive but so far they aren’t. I never see more than one, though. There is also a tiny American Red Squirrel around (he’s a little meano and even pulls MoDos by the tail) and of course the other regular squirrels. And they all make it tough to get photos of the birds that feed on the ground. Their nut radar must go crazy once they hear the camera being placed on the ground somewhere.

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