birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

Today started

with very cold temperatures, and out of my bedroom window, I could spot Bluebirds, Nuthatches and a Brown Creeper, and I was so happy. None of the above came to the cam setups but other surprise visitors did - Pine Siskins, whom I only see here every other odd year. They are goldfinch size, have pointy beaks, Goldfinch temperament and some yellow on the wings.

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birds, calendar, merch, photo Ostdrossel . birds, calendar, merch, photo Ostdrossel .

Happy Halloween!

We had the first frost last night, and my garden is now finally done after an amazing season. The trees are losing their leafs and make it look like it’s raining gold. Bird activity is still not really high but Juncos are here and I hope everybody else will soon rediscover feeders and baths here. I am still having some issues with some of my livecams but the solution is out of my hands, so I have to wait until things are back working, which is hopefully soon. In the meantime, I have been bad at advertising the calendars, so here is a little promo I made. I will soon start introducing the birds from the calendar with the different species, too. Stay warm and have fun today if you celebrate!

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bird bath, orga, photo Ostdrossel . bird bath, orga, photo Ostdrossel .

Fall is here!

I am sorry I haven’t posted here a lot, but things have been busy, and sometimes it is easier to write on social media. I am always watching the weather forecast, and early this week, it became clear that the last warm days were ahead of us, so I decided to use the nice weather to take out the pond and set up the heated bath. I take the liner out of the ground because I never found a good way to cover it completely and it is just easier this way. The timing was perfect, the weather took a real turn this week, and today temperatures are noticeably cooler. I have been collecting Black walnuts every day too, hulled and washed them and let them cure for later use. They make excellent bird food but are a bit hard to crack. Today, there were also the first pretty leaves showing, and I noticed why there is such little bird activity at the feeders - our garden is brimming with natural food.

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birds, Birdsy, fall migration, migration, video Ostdrossel . birds, Birdsy, fall migration, migration, video Ostdrossel .

Back for fall

After a week of battling with Covid, I have finally taken the jelly down and set up this little feeder again. The yard has been very quiet, almost eerily so. I am also waiting for a bird food delivery, so I sacrificed some untreated hazelnuts from my baking stash and look who came 😍 I haven't seen a Titmouse in months. I think this is going to be a nice fall.

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