birds, GitUp, spring migration Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, spring migration Ostdrossel .

Guessing from the local birding groups,

Michigan is bursting with Orioles and Hummingbirds but I have not seen either yet. I think the Orioles are soon to arrive but given recent years, I am not counting on a lot of hummer activitiy anytime soon. I did hear the House Wren sing today, and Grosbeaks are around. Here is one of them, and two weird occurances from this week - a Grack with an injured beak and a MoDo with an egg stuck to its leg. We are all confused here! Happy weekend!

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birds, nest, nestbox, photo, Wyze Ostdrossel . birds, nest, nestbox, photo, Wyze Ostdrossel .

Another nestbox update

Dr. Clara laid her first egg of brood 3 this morning and Lady Corleone is diligently incubating her clutch of seven. Meanwhile the yard is starting to fill up with bird babies, yesterday I saw a Cardi feeding a youngster, they seem to have two. I hope they go and visit the cameras too! The birdbath is a good point to watch right now too, the baby Orioles and Grosbeaks like it a lot. I am still waiting for the second clutch of the Bluebird babies to come to the yard too but that should also soon happen. Things are picking up again finally!

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birds, photo Ostdrossel . birds, photo Ostdrossel .

Be careful

when you walk around or do yard work, nesting season is in full swing. I had seen a couple of Cardinals in a certain area and suspected they had a nest there, but today I saw where. Five eggs in a beauftifully crafted nest. It does not look like the Cowbirds found this one, now we just have to hope that no predators do either. I took this quickly with my phone to not bother the birds, so the quality is not superb.

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birds, nestbox, photo Ostdrossel . birds, nestbox, photo Ostdrossel .

Eggciting times!

Lagertha laid a fourth egg yesterday and then a fifth this morning. She also spent last night on the nest and is in there right now. I think she might be done laying and will begin incubation now. After all, this was pretty good timing because it seems like the weather might be warming up now. For those who are curious about the timeline, here is a link to a great overview with photos. But I will keep you in the loop too :)

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