animal, baby bird, birb, birds, critters, GitUp Ostdrossel . animal, baby bird, birb, birds, critters, GitUp Ostdrossel .

The evenings are getting cooler

but the garden still thrives, and there are sill many many baby birds around. This is the time where I like to put a camera to the ground to try and capture some of the more camera-shy visitors. The Blue Jays are very entertaining and all over the yard, the Grackle youngster are getting teen feathers, the Redwinged Blackbirds are bringing their peachy-faced babies, there are still Grosbeaks around, and today, a teen Cardinal visited too. As always when a cam is on the ground, some furries have access too.

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birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

We are in the middle

of typical April weather chaos, with a tornado watch today and thunderstorms the other night, and it sometimes feels like the change or air pressure just whips all the male birds into more of a frenzy. The Redwinged Blackbirds are competing vocally as well as visibly, and I love how they are somewhat goofy but also super elegant.

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birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

There are more

than one harbingers of spring in the bird world, and this beuatiful creature is one of them, the Redwinged Blackbird. Redwinged Blackbirds have a distinctive call and just (literally) screams “spring” to me. Their colors remind me of my native country Germany but also of a great Pearl Jam song. So far I have only seen males, who are elegantly black with vibrant epaulets that give them their name. And just like with the Grackles, they have a majestic side but can also look quite funny, as can be seen below. Females and youngsters look alike, with beige and brown speckles and patterns. You can see a tiny bit of that on the back of one of them here.

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birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

The Red-winged Blackbird,

always ready to pop an artery 😆 There have been plenty of them this year, and they also seem to have had a really good bredding season. I see lots of babies all around the yard, and they also love the pond. Some of them are molting, but in their heads, they still look as impressive and gorgeous as ever 😊

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Ostdrossel . Ostdrossel .

We had so much rain

coming down yesterday. The birds pretty much got properly soaked and there wasn’t a dry feather in sight. As you know, I am a big fan of wet birb, so here is a little gallery. Some (ahem, MoDo 😆) seem to have had more fun than others.

(Grosbeak lady, Grackle, Grosbeak man, House Finch, MoDo, Redwinged Blackbird, Blue Jay, more MoDo, Redbellied Woodpecker)

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birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

Nesting season

is pretty much in full bloom right now. I still see some birds gathering nesting material, but many others are either coming a lot less to the feeders or when they come quickly stuff their beaks and take off. Funnily enough, during this rather slow time at the feeders, sometimes birds make it to the bowl that usually don’t go there, like this female Redwinged Blackbird. They are a rather shy and humble bird, kind of in the shadow of their vibrant male counterparts, but I love their kind faces and their subtle colors.

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birds, GitUp, migration, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, migration, photo Ostdrossel .

Happy Tuesday

with a little gallery of the current “staff”. I love that also this year, there is a Grack with a blue sheen that looks different than the usual more purple ones. The Goldfinches are beginning to look very funny, the Titmice seem to be staying for the season, and Peanut the Redbellied Woodpecker is showing why this species is named so.

(Redbellied Woodpecker, Grackle, Grackle, Mourning Dove, Goldfinch, Cardinal, Blue Jay, Redwinged Blackbird, Tufted Titmouse)

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birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

A Red-winged Blackbird

is showing off his pretty epaulets. They are not all deep red, and I sometimes use the wing patches as a way to distinguish the various individuals that come visit my yard. Right now, they also come to the bird bath a lot, bringing females and young ones.

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birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

Redwinged Blackbird glory

The first two photos I think are the same guy, a young adult. I love the markings on him. The last one seems to have gone to bird hypnotist academy. I am willing to fulfill all of his wishes.

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birds, photo Ostdrossel . birds, photo Ostdrossel .

As we wait for the summer guests to arrive,

these guys, the Redwinged Blackbirds, are filling the air with their song and show off their gorgeous colors. The females have arrived now too, but they are still camera shy. Hopefully that changes, because they are quite beautiful too.

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