birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

In recent days,

a Cooper’s Hawk has been hanging around, trying to find some prey in the yard. The lack of foliage on the trees makes it easier for him to spot birds that are trying to hide, but most of the time, the hawk is out of luck and the birds disperse in time. Yesterday, he took a seat on the camera, and then this fun photo came about. It is a good example to learn one of the features of the Cooper’s Hawk - its rounded tail feathers and the broad white tail tip.

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birds, photo Ostdrossel . birds, photo Ostdrossel .

A longtime lurker

finally got lucky last night and had Starling for dinner. It took him a good two hours to get it done and finished. This is the Cooper’s hawk that has been hanging around. I let him finish it, and by the end, also birds and squirrels had come back. I always find it fascinating to see a bird of prey come down here. They are such majestic creatures, and while it might be cruel to watch, I am in the camp of “they gotta eat too”. There are enough Starlings around, and we got about half a foot of snow over night, so at least the hawk had a good meal before that. Photos are not superb, it was getting dark and I used my Canon, looking out my office window.

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birds, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel . birds, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel .

Video: Shake your tail feather!

It's Friday, and even the birds are ready to shake their tail feather 😁 The Cooper's Hawk was back again today, checking out the bird bath to see if there's a catch to have. He has come twice yesterday, and at some point, the birds actually came back to eat and he just sat there, waiting for his chance. Once he got going, everybody successfully escaped. His plumage marks him as an immature, so maybe he just needs more practice. Such a pretty bird! Come good into the weekend.

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birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

Whose pantaloons might these be?

This was a first - a Sharp-shinned Hawk! I do have the occasional hawks swooping in, but usually it’s the larger but similar looking Coopers Hawk. There are several ways to keep them apart but two ID features are “pencil thin legs” and the size. All the other Hawks I have seen in my yard had more sturdy legs and were larger, raptor large. This guy is so much more compact! I am also adding a Blue Jay, for comparison. I don’t think there were any casualties. This morning, while still laying in bed in the dark, I could also hear an owl hooting. Raptors are so neat.

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birds, GitUp, video Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, video Ostdrossel .

Slomo video: An unsuccessful hunter

This morning, a Cooper’s Hawk tried his luck in the yard. He got a MoDo’s feathers but was not successful, as the video revealed when I slowed it down. These guys are so fast, it is amazing to watch them.

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