baby bird, birds, gif, photo, GitUp Ostdrossel . baby bird, birds, gif, photo, GitUp Ostdrossel .

There are so many Grackles right now,

and they are all in different stages of molting or age. I find it particularly interesting to see that the babies have different eye colors. I think it has to do with age, the one with the dark, rich brown looks younger than the one with the olive-grey eyes. And they are all the biggest goofballs.

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birds, GitUp, photo, baby bird Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo, baby bird Ostdrossel .

Grackle faces

I put the camera by the bushes on the ground yesterday. I wanted to get some Cardi pics but, alas, that didn’t work. However, here is a wonderfully typical Grack face and an absolutely adorable baby Grack.

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birds, Birdsy, baby bird, video Ostdrossel . birds, Birdsy, baby bird, video Ostdrossel .

Video: Grackle parent feeding baby

Grackles are very devoted parents. This Dad is making sure that the baby gets food that it can stomach, cracking seeds before he feeds it. The youngsters seem big enough to do it by themselves but right now, you can watch them running through the yard following the parents wherever they go with an open beak and fluttering wings. So cute.⁠ This was captured with the Birdsy cam. They are on Kickstarter now, and you can get one here:

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baby bird, bird bath, birds, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel . baby bird, bird bath, birds, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel .

Video: Wilhelm von Grack is back!

Wilhelm von Grack is back 😁 He has grown quite a bit since I saw him last, and here he watches a Redwinged Blackbird bathe. I was wondering why I only saw one Grackle baby and then none anymore, so I am happy to see him back. I hope this means more baby birds are in the pipeline now. ⁠

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baby bird, birb, birds, Birdsy, video, bird bath Ostdrossel . baby bird, birb, birds, Birdsy, video, bird bath Ostdrossel .

Video: Wilhelm von Grack at the pool

It looks like baby bird season has officially begun. Earlier today, this tiny Grackle showed up, I think the parents just parked it at the pool while they were searching for food. It must have felt good for him to take a bath after spending weeks in a nest with his siblings. We named him Wilhelm von Grack. I will get nothing done in the next few weeks, this bird bath is just way too entertaining :D

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