birds, fall migration, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, fall migration, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

So there are

native sparrows migrating through my yard, namely White-throated, and I have seen and heard them and tried to get pictures. Cam on the ground. Here is my best effort, they are very skittish and camera shy, and other beings are also interested in the offerings. And a nice Blue Jay. Juncos are here, but activity is still low.

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birds, fall migration, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, fall migration, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

Yesterday, we had the first frost warning

of the season, and it is only fitting that on that day, a “snowbird” made his way to the camera. Dark-Eyed Juncos only visit here when it is cold, and the first ones have arrived earlier this week. They make the funniest little noises and are generally cool to have around. Pic number 3 shows a White-throated Sparrow that has been very curious but not made it to the food bowl yet. Maybe today is the day? Happy Sunday and stay warm!

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Video: FOY White-throated Sparrow

Spring migration is underway, and while I haven't seen an Oriole or Hummingbird yet, this beauty stopped by the bird bath this morning. White-throated Sparrows are native to the US, and they look super cool with their bib and head markings. I only get them for short periods, so it is always a delight to see one.

I have seen numerous Oriole sighting reports yesterday, so they should also arrive here any day / hour now. The Bluebird babies had a huge growth spurt yesterday, are developing their dotted “PJs” and have started to exercise their wings. Dr. Clara did not spend the night on the nest with them but this could also have been because it was so warm. Things are looking up in the garden too. Baby veggies are getting bigger and the fruit trees are full of blooms. Even the Mulberry that we transplanted here a couple of years ago as a sapling has a bloom. I cannot believe my favorite month May is almost here.

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