birds, calendar, GitUp, merch, photo Ostdrossel . birds, calendar, GitUp, merch, photo Ostdrossel .

Happy Sunday!

I am continuing with the introduction of the calendar birds. The choice for June was a tough one. I knew I wanted an Oriole, and since this season there was an abundance of them, I also had an abundance of photos. The wet Baltimore Oriole was my first pick because it is just such an unusual look and I loved the background and lighting. However, the bird is not entirely identifiable, so eventually, it was out. The “Tequila Sunrise” one is another favorite for the beautiful colors but somehow it lacked something. The final choice was an Orchard Oriole, and I chose it because I loved the gentle pose and felt like this beautiful bird deserves some attention.

You can get my calendars here.

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birds, calendar, GitUp, merch, photo Ostdrossel . birds, calendar, GitUp, merch, photo Ostdrossel .

Bird activity is a little slow

due to the mild weather, so I am not getting many good photos. Things will pick up again in time but this is just as good of an opportunity to introduce the birds in my calendar for 2023. You can get the calendar here: The year begins with a Dark-eyed Junco. Many call them snowbird around here because they appear in fall and leave in spring, being something like a sign that winter is truly coming. They are entertaining little birds that I learned to appreciate even more with video footage because it enabled me to hear them up close too. For the calendar, I went with a photo that shows one in the sun because I loved the pose, the light and the clarity. The alternative was a snow storm photo. I loved that too but it felt better to start the year on a positive note. Have a great Sunday!

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birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

According to the Winter Finch Forecast,

(see here) there may be another irruption of Purple Finches and Evening Grosbeaks going on this winter, and looking at the numerous reports of sightings in the local birding groups, it appears to be true. I heard one the other day (ID’d by Merlin) but have not been blessed with a visitor thus far. I am crossing my fingers. For the time being, here are some Goldfinches, they almost have the same colors 😆 Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

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birds, bird bath, Birdsy, fall migration, video, merch Ostdrossel . birds, bird bath, Birdsy, fall migration, video, merch Ostdrossel .

Video: They are back!

Two days ago, fall really started, with leaves changing colors and temperatures dropping. I closed the pond for the season and have set up three heated baths this year, one on the ground at the pond spot, one on a pedestal, and then this one, which is mounted above ground. It is smaller than the others, and it took the birds a bit to find it but now it is in good use. There was a group of Robins passing through that took to it, the woodpeckers seem to like it because it allowes them easy access, and the smaller birds enjoy it as well. Like the Juncos that have just started to return too. I hope you have a wonderful Sunday. Check out the calendar shop as well - from today until the 14th, calendars are 10 % off.

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birds, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel . birds, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel .

Video: Feeder choice

can determine what crowd comes to visit a backyard, and this summer, I have been a bit overrun by larger birds. As you know I love the Grackles, and they usually keep to themselves and eventually migrate, but Blue Jays and MoDos have been particularly dominating this summer. The other day I realized that I haven’t seen a Chickadee or Nuthatch or even Downy Woodpecker in a long time, and they used to be regulars here and I miss them. Usually, I have a big platform feeder and then several smaller stations in different spots and some food on the ground. They are fun for watching but once the MoDos feel comfortable, they will just hang out there and let noone else in. The same goes for my camera feeders. The small bowls hold about two Doves, and that has been most of what I have been getting in photos lately. So in an effort to bring back diversity, I pulled out the smaller, more restrictive feeders, like this one from Kingsyard, that especially Doves cannot access. They try, the rumble you hear here is the MoDo landing on the nut container I placed over this camera for poop protection. The Blue Jays are not happy but they are less clumsy and will still find ways to enter a feeder. And lo and behold - these Goldfinches came yesterday, and this morning I heard Chickadees. I thought this clip was funny because there is also so much going on in the back with Groundhog and Gracks.⁠

Have a great Sunday!⁠

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birds, Birdsy, spring migration, video Ostdrossel . birds, Birdsy, spring migration, video Ostdrossel .

Video: They are back!

Today, about a week earlier than in the last couple of years, the Baltimore Orioles have returned. I hear that people are also seeing Rosebreasted Grosbeaks, Warblers and Hummingbirds, but they have not come here so far. Happy Spring, everyone!

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birds, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel . birds, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel .

Video: The Juncos

are loving the branch cam, and yesterday they were very active, taking turns at the peanut butter in a manner that reminded me a lot of the Soul Train line. You can see males as well as females, which have more brown hues and are a bit more slender. One of the things I love about the Birdsy camera is that thanks to it, I now also know what seemingly “silent” birds sound like, and Juncos are very vocal, as can especially ne heard in the second video.

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birds, bird bath, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel . birds, bird bath, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel .

Video: Thirsty birds!

The bird bath is very busy this morning - a nice opportunity to watch the different ways how birds drink. Some take several little sips, like the Finches and Bluebirds, some drink dramatically with an open beak like the Starling, and others drink like they were on a bender the night before, like the MoDo.

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birds, borb, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, borb, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

This is why

the squirrels will always have enough to eat… MoDos are such a mess 🤣 Come good into Monday!

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birds, fall migration, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, fall migration, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

Yesterday, we had the first frost warning

of the season, and it is only fitting that on that day, a “snowbird” made his way to the camera. Dark-Eyed Juncos only visit here when it is cold, and the first ones have arrived earlier this week. They make the funniest little noises and are generally cool to have around. Pic number 3 shows a White-throated Sparrow that has been very curious but not made it to the food bowl yet. Maybe today is the day? Happy Sunday and stay warm!

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birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

As I mentioned the other day,

a Downy Woodpecker lady had started to roost in the Bluebird box. This happens every other year, and they will stay for a while but never have all winter. She goes to bed at around 6.30 pm every evening and gets up at around 7.40 in the morning. Like clockwork, day after day. Here she is coming for dinner before going to rest for the night. The male is still checking out the other box but has not spent a night yet.

Have a sweet night!

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birds, Birdsy, migration, spring migration, video Ostdrossel . birds, Birdsy, migration, spring migration, video Ostdrossel .

Video: Here comes the sun...

…and one of Bette Midler’s new favorite birds, and I say - it’s all right 🌞 The last couple of days I have been pacing the windows and watching the feeders like a hawk. The local birdwatching groups were full of Oriole sighting reports, and there were none in my yard. But I am happy to report that they are back! and such a pleasing sight. Now with the Grosbeak back as well, I am ready for those glorious first days of May where anything can happen bird-wise. Happy Sunday!

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birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

And a pleasant surprise today -

Peanut was back! At least I like to think it is him, or I am naming him that. I have not seen a male Red-bellied Woodpecker since fall, I think. I hope he sticks around and likes the female. Maybe they will check out the woodpecker mansion too! Have a great Sunday!

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birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

Putting the "sun"

into this Sunday post. Blue skies and bright light dominated yesterday and created some pretty photos of the regulars. The Starling showed off his glistering chest, and the Blue Jay his delicate feather textures. Winter variety is always a little boring but changes in light, temperature and weather often make me rediscover the beauty of the regular crowd.

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birb, birds, borb, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birb, birds, borb, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

The MoDo population

is enjoying the relative quiet and less traffic at the moment. They love to hog the camera feeders but also seem to have a similar heat sensor as cats - I often see them hanging out in groups by the heated bird bath. Such goofballs. Come good into Sunday!

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birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

One would think

that there aren’t many differences in the looks of individual female Cardinals, but there are! Here is one I like to call Queen Red Eyebrow because of her exquisite red markings. We also had sun today, which was nice for a change. Come good into Sunday!

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