baby bird, birds, nest, nestbox, photo Ostdrossel . baby bird, birds, nest, nestbox, photo Ostdrossel .

Nestbox update - House Wren

After no adult bird came to feed the Wren babies for almost 24 hours, we thought and pondered all day and then took them out the nestbox and brought them to a rehabber (Wild Wings in Hazel Park, they will be happy about donations, it is how they finance their good work). They were nine days old yesterday, not ready to fledge. The day before, the parent had fed them almost every 5 to 10 minutes, then suddenly nothing. The camera takes videos when there is motion or sound. It did not malfunction and I checked the clips as well as the livestream regularly to make sure. I did not want to see the babies die in the box, and I think waiting until the next morning would have sealed their destiny.

No adult bird has returned to the nestbox since. There are strong little birds and I hope they make it. Birds have a rough life, and unfortunately it happens that baby birds lose their parent/s too soon. The good thing is that there are licensed rehabbers who will take them in and care for them until they are ready to fledge.

I hope I get some updates. Be well, Wren babies ❤️

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birds, nest, nestbox, photo, Wyze Ostdrossel . birds, nest, nestbox, photo, Wyze Ostdrossel .

Another nestbox update

Dr. Clara laid her first egg of brood 3 this morning and Lady Corleone is diligently incubating her clutch of seven. Meanwhile the yard is starting to fill up with bird babies, yesterday I saw a Cardi feeding a youngster, they seem to have two. I hope they go and visit the cameras too! The birdbath is a good point to watch right now too, the baby Orioles and Grosbeaks like it a lot. I am still waiting for the second clutch of the Bluebird babies to come to the yard too but that should also soon happen. Things are picking up again finally!

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birds, nest, photo Ostdrossel . birds, nest, photo Ostdrossel .

A happy Father's Day

to all the fathers and father figures out there. Sir Corleone, the House Wren, has now good chances to be one soon too. Lady Corleone has graced the nest with a first egg this morning. She will now lay one per day until her clutch is complete. As you can see, they have been obstructing the view a bit but things are always in motion, and maybe it improves over time. Observations so far - they are still vocal even if they have mated now, and one of them spends the night in / at the box even if they are not incubating yet.

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birds, nest, nestbox, video, Wyze Ostdrossel . birds, nest, nestbox, video, Wyze Ostdrossel .

Video: The House Wren has been diligently constructing the nest,

and I am so intrigued by witnessing the whole process. He builds something like a little fortress, with ladders going all the way down to the nest. Here, you can see him adding spider egg sacs. There are several theories about why they do it, one is that the spiders will help with mite control, another that they are purely ornamental. I have decided to call him Sir Corleone because "Lion Heart", "cor leonis" is one of the names that has been attributed to these fierce tiny birds in the past. He is a strong singer, and I am excited to see if he can attract a female.

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