birds, GitUp, fall migration, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, fall migration, photo Ostdrossel .

But there are of course

also still birds around. Apart from the large, lazy MoDo family, there are Blue Jays, Downy, Hairy and Redbellied Woodpeckers, Nuthatches (Red- and white-breasted), Finches, the occasional Grackle and Robin, Chickadees and Cardinals. I wish the youngsters of the latter would love the camera as much as their mother. But there is always a nice group of them visiting the bird bath in the evenings. So I am not really complaining but I hope that there will be some fun new visitors here soon. The video is a hawk attack that happened earlier. I still have two hummingbird feeders up because I have seen a couple every other day this week. The stragglers will be happy for some noms on their way south. Come good into the weekend!

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birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

The weekend

was a lot of fun and felt like summer. The birds are all somewhat busy with nestbuilding and offspring, and things are a bit quieter right now. Except for the Starling babies, that is. Here are some of the current regulars, some are immature, some apparently feeding babies. (Grosbeak, Robin, Blue Jay, Grackle, Baltimore Oriole, MoDo, Hummer, another Blue Jay, a Redbellied Woodpecker and a sassy Finch couple)

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Video: It's been a wild week

with some really bad stuff happening. During times like these I am happy to have the birds because they keep me busy, hinder me from being glued to the news, and also make me happy. The American Robin’s German name is Wanderdrossel, “wandering thrush”, and this morning after a night of snow fall, this merry group wandered into my backyard. The Grackle is also still around, and while things still look and feel winterish, there is a sense of spring in the air.

Updating this post because just now, a flock of Redwinged Blackbirds showed up too. Things will develop slowly, but spring migration has begun.

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baby bird, birds, Birdsy, video, critters Ostdrossel . baby bird, birds, Birdsy, video, critters Ostdrossel .

Video: surprise visitors

I just looked out the window when I saw three deer walking across the yard! Thankfully, an attention-seeking Robin and a Starling parent and his kid jumped into the frame, so Birdsy recorded it. This is only the second time I have seen deer in my yard, it was quite cool to watch.

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