baby bird, bird bath, birds, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel . baby bird, bird bath, birds, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel .

Video: Ragnar and two babies at the pool

I heard them yesterday but they didn’t come down, but today was the big day. Ragnar and Lagertha, the Bluebirds, brought their first set of babies to the backyard (her new nest is almost done too). I saw three, but I was keeping a distance, so I am not sure how many there are. They are as adorable as ever, and my heart is full of joy. Ragnar made a big display at the pool too, showing that wonderful slow moving of the wings that is so typical for Bluebirds. The baby bunny, a baby Robin and the baby Grack also paid a visit, and I think the livestream is going to be a lot of fun in the coming weeks.

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Video: Epic battle at the bird bath

I am loving the new bird bath setup! Ever since I made some adjustments, there has been a constant flow of visitors and some really funny scenes happened. This Cardi lady finally decided to go for a bath after a long inspection of the whole place. But then all of a sudden, a cheeky Blue Jay appeared and spoiled the fun for her. She was not happy. This went on for quite some time, but unfortunately an internet outtage cut the recording short. Nevertheless, a very funny sight.

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