birds, borb, calendar, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, borb, calendar, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

I am a May child,

so naturally, the calendar bird of May is something I can identify with or find particularly fun, and this time, with the regulars, it is a MoDo. The June bird is a juvenile Rosebreasted Grosbeak. I love the mix of patterns and colors that are going on with this one while the baby plumage is still there but the adult one is coming through. (The red on his beak is grape jelly.)

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birds, borb, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, borb, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

I always find it interesting

how, along with vegetation, the light changes throughout the year, and each season has something special. And while the lushness of summer and spring are wonderful, the cold season also has some pretty aspects. The morning sun gives everything a magical glow while the afternoon sun creates lens flares that make otherwise more boring photos more fun.

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birds, borb, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, borb, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

Bird activity

has picked up a bit, and the Juncos are definitely here but today, temps were like spring again, so generally, things are still very slow. I did get some lovely portraits in the sunshine yesterday and the leaves are finally starting to turn here too. If you are watching my livestreams, please note that the ones not active right now will be back soon, there have been some technical issues.

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birds, baby bird, GitUp Ostdrossel . birds, baby bird, GitUp Ostdrossel .

The MoDos

also had plenty of offspring, and it seems like they all know right from the start how to pose. In a weird kind of way, the youngsters almost seem more serious 😆

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birds, borb, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, borb, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

The way things are right now,

I am saving a lot of money on bird food because there is still simply nothing happening. Today was a lovely gloomy day with fog for almost morning to evening, but only few birds visited. This may be a good time to purge for a bit to get the MoDos to move on 🤔 We will see, there is some cold weather coming, and that usually brings birds in.

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birds, borb, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, borb, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

It was a day

with crazy weather day here in Michigan today. I only went out heavily bundled-up and was nervous to get on the ladder to replenish the peanut butter on the tree because it was so windy. There was good bird activity, and there is a Chickadee roosting in the Bluebird box tonight, but the light was also bad and everybody literally was out there trying to survive. Here are two photos from today though. A MoDo fighting off a Starling, and a Starling with an ice crown. These guys are so nuts they took baths today. It was so cold that the splashes froze on the lens and I had to de-freeze it several times. I hope you are all in a warm spot, good night! Hoping for snow and sun tomorrow!

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birds, borb, calendar, GitUp, merch, photo Ostdrossel . birds, borb, calendar, GitUp, merch, photo Ostdrossel .

Happy 4th advent, Hanukkah, holidays and Sunday!

A good day to conclude the introduction of the calendar birds. For December, I initially chose a female Bluebird because I just loved her grumpy expression. However, this year’s December bird is also a female BB. I try to avoid repetition and also had another fabulous photo that would work - the Queen of all Mourning Doves. If you squint, she looks a bit like a Christmas tree too 😆

My calendar promo sale ends tonight, they are available here.

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birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

The beginning of May,

my favorite month of the year, is also the point in time when the serviceberry blooms. And everybody comes to pose in front of it. (male Rosebreasted Grosbeak, Blue Jay, Grackle (‘tis the Count himself!), MoDo, female Redwinged Blackbird, female Rosebreasted Grosbeak)

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birds, borb, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, borb, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

Here is

the goddess of the snack drawer. Mourning Doves are smart, even if they might not appear so. My 20-25 know when and where the best food is. And they are vain. I have a love-hate relationship with them. Love for their goofiness and beauty, hate for their voracious appetite and feeder dominance (yes, they can be very aggro). But they truly do some of the best portraits. Happy Friday!

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borb, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . borb, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

Rarely does a bird

match the enthusiasm of a MoDo at the feeder. It was another boring day here today birdwise, but at some point, about 30 Mourning Doves rained down to feed. In my head, they all looked like this one 😆

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birds, borb, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, borb, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

I like it when they share,

even if they often do not seem to. Titmice and Chickadees often seem to hang out together but I guess peanut envy is a thing 😜 The House Finch looks unimpressed yet wary of the big (molting) MoDo, and the young Woodpecker appears to be more interested in the camera than the Goldfinch.

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birb, birds, borb, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birb, birds, borb, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

Round is the word of the day,

for one because we are experiencing what is hopefully the last frost and for two because it’s Earth Day! The weather might not be good for gardening everywhere yet but this time is perfect to get a little garden planning on. There are lots of possibilities to make your garden more inviting for birds, also some that might not come to a feeder. Native flowers and berry bushes and trees can help creating more habitat for the wildlife around us. Stay warm! (MoDo, Grackle, Robin and Cardinal)

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birds, borb, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, borb, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

One more time...

Because it is so important. Please make your voice heard, go and vote! And be safe tomorrow.

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birds, photo Ostdrossel . birds, photo Ostdrossel .

Times are wild

and oddities are happening. We just have to keep our eyes open. I have seen this young Mourning Dove at the bird bath cam, but it was always too shy to check out the feeder cam. Today it came, in all its awkward teen glory. It will grow into the beak. I love him/ her/ it.

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birds, photo Ostdrossel . birds, photo Ostdrossel .

A very windy day

created fuzzy portraits of a Blue Jay, a Rose-breasted Grosbeak, and the King of the Yard. The MoDo’s feathers remained flat, so it showed off its wing and smiled for the camera.

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