It was very nice
in the last two days, today, I didnt even wear socks for quick runs outside. The Cardinals are singing up a storm, the Groundhog made a first showing, the Juncos begin to leave, and I have planted some tomato and okra seeds (inside still). I am also keeping an eye on migration forecasts, and things look very promising for the coming weeks. Here are two handsome male current regulars, showing all their colors to improve mating chances.
I try to avoid
being anthropomorphic when it comes to the birds but sometimes you cannot help but noticing something that could be seen as a character trait. Both Blue Jays and MoDos are really good at posing and drama. Alone as well as together 😂 (The first Blue Jay is sunbathing, the one in photo 3 has been eating mulberries). Come good into Friday!
If you have followed me for a bit,
you know that I have some sort of a love-hate relationship with Mourning Doves. I do find them comical and pretty but they can also be overwhelming when groups of 20 and more hit all the feeders and aggressively defend them. As with many of the more “dull” looking birds, they show fascinating details up close. Males and females almost look alike, but there are some differences. I looked them up to be extra sure but to be honest, I am not sure here. I tend to think it is a male because of the more rosy than tanned color, the vibrant neck feathers and the blueish top of the head.
During this time
of the year, and I guess always, there will also be the opportunists. And they can be tiny and adorable like the Titmouse but also overwhelming like a group of European Starlings. Well, and the MoDos…
The sun came out,
it was nice and frosty, and we took the last Christmas lights on the outside down. The Nuthatches, Titmice and Chickadees were happily buzzing around, the woodpeckers were busy, and the Finches were happy. And so were the squatters. They hogged the camera bowls, convinced that everybody needs to see only them 😝
And some nice
back views. The Grackle is still hanging around, and I wonder if the MoDos are a bit miffed to have more competition from bigger guys this winter. Come good into Thursday!
Now is a time
where it feels good to slowly say goodbye to summer. The Orioles have left, I saw the last one three days ago. There are still hummingbirds coming but the nights are getting colder and there is no denying that fall is approaching quickly. I am trying to enjoy the last of the veggie garden that went to bad this year because of the lack of rain, and I am enjoying the relative calm in regards to birds, even if it is a bit boring. The Bluebird family has not returned yet but I hope to see them soon. And in the meantime I am trying to think up fall and winter camera setups. A good time to post MoDos. They are molting and exhibit some interesting looks.
I am currently waiting
for a bird food delivery, so I had to stretch things a bit and only put very little out in the last couple of days. This also helps a bit with the feeder-hogging MoDo issue. However, they still have their lookouts and see me coming out or probably even recognize the sound of the door. And even the little ones know how to hog 🤣. This baby Dove tried everything to get the older bird to share. The new seed comes tomorrow, then hopefully things can mellow out here a bit. Have a great Saturday!
On a personal note,
I was kind of proud to see that this morning, I was approved to be verified on Facebook. This MoDo perfectly sums up how I looked when I got the message 😂 I hope you have a great Friday evening!
The extreme heat
of the last two days has been rough on everybody, including the garden. The bird bath was visited frequently, and during the hottest hours, everybody was looking for shade or ways to stay cool. Some take sunbaths, looking like they have a seizure, others puff up. Apart from the Grackles, the MoDos are my favorite puffer uppers. They always seem very self-confident, and this one is no exception.
I find bird backs
really cool to see because they always seem like such a well-organized piece of nature. It is pretty amazing how neatly the wings fold and everything creates a beautiful, water-resistant surface with the most intricate patterns. Can you guess them all?
More MoDo,
it looks like it wanted to show that it can get even bigger 😆 These posing photos are always hilarious to me because the birds look like something out of Versailles and seem to look directly into the camera. And I guess they do see some sort of reflection in the lens. The second photo is interesting because that one seems to have escaped a predator or got hurt and is now growing new feathers in the spot. The feathers first come out as some sort of spikes called sheaths that encase the growing feather like a straw. At some point, the bird will start preening to pop them open and reveal the new feathers.
Video: Thirsty birds!
The bird bath is very busy this morning - a nice opportunity to watch the different ways how birds drink. Some take several little sips, like the Finches and Bluebirds, some drink dramatically with an open beak like the Starling, and others drink like they were on a bender the night before, like the MoDo.
This is why
the squirrels will always have enough to eat… MoDos are such a mess 🤣 Come good into Monday!
things are going to get a little busy here for me and you probably as well in the next couple of days, so I wanted to take a minute to wish you all a merry Christmas / Fröhliche Weihnachten and a wonderful holiday time. Hopefully, you will bathe in presents and food and love as much as a MoDo 😜 I am thankful for all of you.
The September bird
of the Ostdrossel calendar for 2022 is one of my favorite MoDo photos. This silly bird was posing like for an iconic painting. The light and leaves make the look perfect. It is hilarious and beautiful at the same time. The calendar is available in several sizes and you can get it here: Have a great Tuesday!
Today, we have
the first more winterish weather here - it’s been murky and sleety all day. The birds are not amused. I hope you have a warm spot and will bob into the week as effortlessly as this MoDo.
Fall is here!
And the weather was appropriate for the occasion. It has been storming and raining nonstop since last night, and I actually made a beef roast today because it felt so fallsy. Funnily enough, I also spotted two Hummingbirds. The end of September can be fun and interesting but apart from those few lucky encounters it has basically been MoDo season here for a bit now. They are fun and goofy and all but I feel like it is time to adjust feeders and food for a bit again to discourage them from flocking here because they keep all the other birds away.