birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

Today finally

we got some snow again, and I decided to take a break from the feeder break and put the cams out. It was still rather calm generally but there were many happy Cardinals. The entire family of the King and Queen of the Yard showed off. I counted four males and at least two females. The light was still murky but here are some of my favorites from today. Come good into Monday!

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birds, borb, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, borb, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

A crazy thing happened today,

the sun came out! It feels like it’s been ages. It was a bit cooler too, and there were birds! When I first stepped out in the morning, I could hear a Bluebird, so I put some mealers out in the open bowl, and voilà. What a nice sight after these weeks of barely any fun photos. The Titmice and Chickadees were very vocal and the MoDos feisty as always (yes, that one in the back holds the feathers of the other one 😂 ). Here’s to a good birding week!

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birds, GitUp, fall migration, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, fall migration, photo Ostdrossel .

I guess the first frost

was just the first load of “fake fall” because this weekend, temperatures rose again, and it was beautiful outside. The birds all enjoy what nature has to offer on these days, and there is not a lot going on at the feeder. I am trying to get the White-throated Sparrow to take a mug shot but haven’t been lucky so far. He does like the bird bath though. Anyways, here are some regulars and a traveler. The Redbellied Woodpecker I find most interesting, here for the second fall. Is it a boy or a girl? The Nuthatches are one of my favorites right now, almost divebombing me at the feeders and being very tame. Come good into Monday! (Redbreasted Nuthatch, Redbellied Woodpecker, Northern Cardinal, Blue Jay, Redwinged Blackbird)

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birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

One fun thing about birdwatching

is that you never know what you’re gonna get. Even for a backyard birdwatcher, things will change with the seasons but also from year to year. I did have male Redwinged Blackbirds at my feeders always but this year, there seem to be a lot more females. Or females that are not camera shy. With this expressive one, I would like to wish everyone a FANTASTIC MONDAY!

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birds, animal, Canon, critters, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, animal, Canon, critters, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

I have been

on a much needed little break from the everyday and my computer and spent the weekend with family in the beautiful north of Michigan. There is an abundance of wildlife there, and lots of birds. I brought my cameras along but the birds there are not used to them and declined to check them out. So I decided to relax and listen. The Merlin app is a great little tool to explore your surroundings in regards to bird song. Here is my list from six minutes yesterday morning, my attempt to take a photo of the Chestnut-sided Warbler, one of the many Cedar Waxwings, and some of the unfeathered creatures. Here’s to a great Monday and week!

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birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

The Orioles

have been extra busy at the feeders recently, and I am expecting to see their babies in the yard soon. I have already heard their gentle little calls in the trees yesterday. The Orchard Oriole is also still coming, and I am hoping that maybe this year, it might bring a young one to the feeder too. In the meantime, the adults are enjoying the amenities the yard has to offer and make the world prettier with their vibrant colors and songs. Come good into the week!

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birds, baby bird, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, baby bird, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

The backyard is starting to fill

with more baby birds each day, it is the best time of the year. They are following the parents, learning how to find food, get clean and feel safe. Here are members of the thrush family, a young American Robin and two Eastern Bluebirds, all checking out the grape jelly. Funnily enough, the Bluebirds resemble the European Robin, while the American Robin looks a lot like a European Blackbird. Come good into the week!

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baby bird, birds, GitUp, nest, nestbox, photo Ostdrossel . baby bird, birds, GitUp, nest, nestbox, photo Ostdrossel .

We did more gardening this weekend,

also because there isn’t a lot of bird activity going on because everybody is either incubating or taking care of very young babies. For a change, I did put a camera on the ground because I wanted to see if I could get photos of one of the adorable Grackle babies that have started to show up. And I was lucky. As you can see, they are very demanding, but Grackles are excellent parents and will dutifully feed those pink lined beaks. As always when there’s a camera on the ground, some squirrels also came by. This one had such a hilariously smug look on his face that I included him here even if he is out of focus.

In nestbox news, Gayle is incubating her five eggs and learned how to handle the Wren guard, and the Wren has surprisingly laid an egg the other day in the other box. I had kept removing sticks to keep the Wrens busy but they apparently were more determined than I anticipated. She has three eggs as of today. Interfering with an active nest of a native bird is illegal, so they can do their thing now. Hopefully, the Wren guard on the BB box will continue to work and all will be well. The Wren chose the two-holed PVC box with 6 inches in diameter. Since other birds keep exploring that box as well, I have added a hole reducer so that only Wren size can enter. Here’s to a good week!

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birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

Vitamin O to start the week!

We had the the first real thunderstorm and rain pour of the season. The yard’s vegetation has pretty much exploded and the bird songs have calmed down because many are busy building nests. Last week, I saw the first female Oriole (see first photo), and there is a good group of them visiting. It is funny to me how much they can differ in color. On of these is of course the Orchard Oriole, so it is generally darker.

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bird bath, birds, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel . bird bath, birds, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel .

Video: Another surprise visitor

The American Robin is the state bird of Michigan, and I have seen people complain about this because many Robins go farther south for the winter. However, some also stay. I heard a flock in the area for several days (there is a Mountain Ash, a Cedar and a Crabapple tree nearby - all bird magnets), and yesterday, this one came to the bath. I don't count this as a sign of an early spring, we are quite a bit away from that, but it was a fun sight. It's very cold this morning, stay warm and have a great Monday!

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birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

While the winter crowd

can be a bit boring at times, surprises can happen any day. I think this is part of why I enjoy birdwatching so much. Every day has the possibility of something fun happening. Anyways, yesterday, I had this lone Cowbird lady on the feeder, and I also saw a Redwinged Blackbird. They sometimes travel with Starlings, so it makes sense that they were around. Here’s to a good week with fun surprises!

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birds, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel . birds, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel .

Video: Light in the winter

is something special, and I love how Michigan is treating me with it on some evenings. Tonight was one of these, and the resident Red-breasted Nuthatch was one of the last ones to come to the feeder to choose that perfect bite for dinner. Here’s to a good Monday!

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birds, gif, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, gif, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

And a lot of traffic

And a lot of traffic can create quick interactions and surprise gatherings at the feeders. The Blue Jays, Starlings and Goldfinches were exceptionally active. I love these interaction shots but they are often not in focus, so here are three rare examples. I hope you have a pleasant Monday with no bad surprise gatherings 😊

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birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

Things are rather calm at the moment,

and I realize that I am writing this a lot but it is also kind of typical for the season. I am a bit glad because work has been quite demanding recently, too. However, my eyes cannot stay away from the yard, and it is always a pleasure to see something other than Blue Jays, MoDos or finches. Like my big bird love, these guys - the Bluebirds. Once again I could hear them this morning when I went out to fill the feeders and set up the cameras, and I got rewarded for daring to put some mealers in the open. I hope your week is going well!

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birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

The BBs came over today

and did not disappoint. Grumpy faces, beautiful detail and overall loveableness. I heard them when I got out for the second refill of the day and decided to try and put some mealers out in the camera feeders. I cannot set the clock to when they come but they are hagning around. Having mealers out in open feeders at all times would give me a bunch of Starlings, so I try to listen. Come good into the week!

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bird bath, birds, Birdsy, livestream, video Ostdrossel . bird bath, birds, Birdsy, livestream, video Ostdrossel .

Video: Cardinals are around my yard

all year but not always super present at the feeders. However, now that fall is here, they are coming out in larger numbers. And just like holiday lighting, the beautiful sight of them seems to help coping with the darkness of the cold season. Now that the clocks have changed, they are basically doing a public service in that respect. I’ve had up to eight of these glorious birds out there at the same time in winter before. That is one reason to look forward to snow 😁 A group has started visiting the bird bath in the evenings more regularly now. Here’s two of the males. Have a pleasant Monday!

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birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

MONDAY's (almost) HERE!

The BBs have returned every single day since they first started showing up again the other week. There is four of them, and they always go straight for the nestbox and excitedly sit and move around it, taking turns on looking in, and also go to the mealworm feeder. I am short on mealers right now but whenever I notice them, I will add a couple to the cam feeders. Curiously enough, the Starlings almost immediately show up too. How do they freaking know?! More BB pics tomorrow. Nighty and come good into the week!

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birds, fall migration, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, fall migration, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

I don't know if it is really them,

but I think Dr. Clara and Mandrake came back! The Bluebirds are somewhat camera shy and I feel horrible still because of the Wren debacle but this morning, they were back! A group of four! They checked out the nestbox and Mandrake (I will call the resident male that this year) even came to the food bowl. I always have mealworms out for them but they haven’t been touched in months. I hope they will come back and stay as it gets colder. I also saw the first Juncos today. Fall is really here. Happy Monday!

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animal, birds, calendar, GitUp, merch, photo Ostdrossel . animal, birds, calendar, GitUp, merch, photo Ostdrossel .

The 2022 calendar is here!

Hello, dear followers, I proudly present the 2022 Ostdrossel calendar. I have to admid that it was tough to go through the photos of the year to narrow the selection down but I think it worked out nicely in the end. There is an early bird special going on for the next couple of days, too. I will introduce the monthly species in the coming weeks as well.

They come in three formats and four sizes. There is a rectangle wall calendar in two sizes, a 12 x 12 wall calendar and a desk calendar. Only the wall calendars have the species names on the back.

Link to shop:

(Please note, all orders are made on demand and handled by that website.)

Have a beautiful Monday and week!

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birb, birds, Birdsy, fall migration, video Ostdrossel . birb, birds, Birdsy, fall migration, video Ostdrossel .

Video: Hummer fun!

Yellow jackets and Bald-faced hornets get sugar hungry towards the end of the season and can spoil the fun for birdwatchers as well as birds. At least for the Hummingbirds, I find these dish-style feeders a great solution to keep stinger insect devil at bay. These feeders do not leak, and they are quick and easy to clean. On top of that, the birds seem to like them too. There is not really much else happening, so I am enjoying the tiny winged jewels to the fullest. Come good into the week!

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