birds, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel . birds, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel .

Video: Light in the winter

is something special, and I love how Michigan is treating me with it on some evenings. Tonight was one of these, and the resident Red-breasted Nuthatch was one of the last ones to come to the feeder to choose that perfect bite for dinner. Here’s to a good Monday!

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birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

One of my favorites,

the Red-breasted Nuthatch. Tiny, vocal, bold and very diligent. This is one of the birds that will wait nearby when I refill, and not be scared when I am still right there. One time I had one feeding from my hand, too. Yesterday, he was the first and last bird to appear in my camera roll. I love the evening light.

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birds, photo Ostdrossel . birds, photo Ostdrossel .

Head and facial feathers

are very fascinating to me. Everything is so neatly and effectively organized on bird heads. Nuthatch heads are amongst the more interesting to me because they have such a unique head shape. All the patterns around the eye are beautiful to look at and explore. I am a bit sad that I did not see any of their cousins, the Redbreasted Nuthatches, this winter, but I hope that they will not be gone forever.

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