birds, nest, nestbox, video, Wyze Ostdrossel . birds, nest, nestbox, video, Wyze Ostdrossel .

Nestbox news: The spell is broken!

The Bluebirds must have seen my complaints, because yesterday, they finally started nesting season in the yard. It may have been that the grid I placed in there bothered her so much that she was hesitant (she did accept it last season though but maybe the first nest is different). I removed to see what would happen and added some pine needles, dried leaves and bark. Here you can see the male coming in to “clean up”, and then she comes in to start the nest with the first strategically placed twig. By the endof the day, she had built the nest you see in the second video. This feels like the fastest I have seen her build a first nest of the season.

I am so happy they finally started, as you know I was getting a bit nervous. Here’s to a happy and successful nesting season!

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birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

Two cuties to go into the weekend.

The Bluebirds are visiting every day but she has still not started to build yet. I recognize her by her furrowed brow. Her man is around a lot more but I hope when we go into April she will finally get to work on her nest. The Titmice were plenty and vocal today, and this one just cracked me up. Here’s to a great weekend!

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birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

And another Bluebird photo

but I feel like there can never be too many. Today, the male visited the box a lot, checking to see if things are ok, and the female seems to have checked to see if she likes the atmo in the area. She also came to the feeders and I just loved her little furrowed brow.

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birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

The Bluebirds also came over today.

It looks like they still have not decided which box they want to use, but I would love for them to go for their usual spot. This year’s couple is gonna be Johnny and June. The male was around more frequently in the last couple of weeks but the female has started to come around more too. I am expecting her to start nest building soon but I also hope she takes her time because winter temps are not over yet. I love seeing how the female differs from the male in appearance (she’s photo 2 & 3).

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