animal, Birdsy, critters, video Ostdrossel . animal, Birdsy, critters, video Ostdrossel .

Video: Last but not least,

Herr von Bödefeld finally made another showing too 😍 I always feel so bad for opossums in the winter and want to make them little possum mittens. By the way, if you find little compact pellets in your feeders in the mornings, you might have an opossum coming around to feed. They munch on the seeds and then make a compact pellet out of the hulls and spit that out. It is not poop!

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animal, critters, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel . animal, critters, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel .

Video: Look who it is!

In the last weeks and months, I mostly saw skunks and raccoons in the night recordings, but look who was back last night, happily running into the frame 😁 Herr von Bödefeld! I love Opossums and always feel lucky to have them visiting my yard. And I hope this one returns for some more muncher videos.

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