animal, Birdsy, critters, video Ostdrossel . animal, Birdsy, critters, video Ostdrossel .

Video: Surprise night visitor!

Yesterday in the evening, I decided to put some peanut butter on the branch to see if anybody would come to check it out during the night. We have several species of squirrels in Michigan, and this is one of them - a Flying squirrel. These guys look like straight out of an animation movie, and they are so elusive and fast that it is hard to spot them, let alone capture them on film or photo. This is not perfect but still a lot of fun to watch, and only the second time I saw one in my yard.

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animal, critters, video Ostdrossel . animal, critters, video Ostdrossel .

Videos: Critter cam!

It’s been a busy work week and there was little time for photo editing, but here are two videos to hold you over. I have always loved seeing what the Birdsy Cam recorded at night but of course it is especially fun when something more unusual shows up. This week, the Flying Squirrel came over again (last showing on cam was last October!), and two frogs were practising the famous Lift Scene from Dirty Dancing in the pond 😆

I am processing photos as we speak and will post some in the next two days. Friday is finally here! Have a great one!

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critters, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel . critters, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel .

Video: Kid Icarus!

Tonight, the Birdsy cam captured a Flying Squirrel in the yard! We have named him Kid Icarus.

Fun fact: There are nine squirrel species in Michigan, per the DNR. I would not have considered Chipmunks and Groundhogs the squirrel species, very interesting. And the Thirteen-lined ground Squirrel is on my wish list of animals to see now.

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