birds, Birdsy, baby bird, bird bath, video Ostdrossel . birds, Birdsy, baby bird, bird bath, video Ostdrossel .

Video: FOY Grack baby!

Very early this morning, the first baby Grack appeared at the pond. The parents seem to like "parking" the babies there while they forage, and it always reminds me of childhood days at a public swimming pool or lake, with lots of swimming and the occasional snack. The bird you can hear in the back is a Baltimore Oriole.

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birds, GitUp, migration, photo, spring migration Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, migration, photo, spring migration Ostdrossel .

This beautiful lady

was new at the feeders today. She is a Rose-breasted Grosbeak, and I find it funny how she had a fabulous portrait on her first day while the male was messing up, being not properly in the frame. I love these birds, they have a calming and badass presence at the same time. I have seen them sitting on the feeder through tunderstorms, gobbling away calmly. Welcome back, beauties!

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Videos: More good signs of spring

I have heard and seen them for a couple of days now, but they hadn’t made it to the cams yet. But this morning, a Robin finally checked out the bird bath. The bath is quite nasty looking from what must have been a critter party last night and it has been cleaned now.

The other sign of spring is the first recorded Grackle puff of 2021. “It’s here,” he shouts!

Have a great Saturday!

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birds, Birdsy, spring migration, video Ostdrossel . birds, Birdsy, spring migration, video Ostdrossel .

Video: Look who it is!

After seeing the Red-winged Blackbird the other day, I was hoping to see Grackles soon too, and I am so happy they have returned. It was quite frosty this morning with -7 °C but we are unstoppably marching towards spring. Happy March and have a wonderful Tuesday!

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birds, Birdsy, fall migration, photo Ostdrossel . birds, Birdsy, fall migration, photo Ostdrossel .

Video: FOY Red-breasted Nuthatch :D

I didn’t have any of these little guys last year, and then heard that the reason was that they had ample food sources farther north last year, so they didn’t need to come south for the winter. Well, they are back and I am so glad. Red-breasted Nuthatches are very entertaining to have around, they sound like mini-beatboxes and are one of the tamest birds I have ever met.

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birds, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel . birds, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel .

Video: FOY Grey Catbird

Grey Catbirds are also migratory visitors to my yard. They are named so because their call resembles that of a cat. They love insects and will also go for grape jelly. Which this one actually did this morning too. He checked in before 7 AM, and if it wasn’t for the Birdsy camera, I would probably never have seen him, which makes this little video extra nice. I hope he comes back!

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birds, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel . birds, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel .

Video: Baltimore Oriole FOY!

I thought I heard one yesterday, and a bird migration forecast page said there was a huge movement coming, so I was excited for today. And nature did not disappoint - it felt like Christmas! First thing I saw out of the window was a Rosebreasted Grosbeak, and when I checked the Birdsy camera, I saw this beautiful guy :D I have not seen a Hummingbird yet, but they are usually all coming on the same day. Spring is here!

Baltimore Orioles and Orchard Orioles (I get them here as well occasionally) love oranges and grape jelly. This is what I put out for them. The jelly dish should not be too large so they don’t get their feathers sticky.

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