birds, GitUp, photo, spring migration Ostdrossel . birds, GitUp, photo, spring migration Ostdrossel .

Happy Earth Day!

Nature is slowly waking up here, and I have started to do my daily walk around our perimenters to watch the budding progress on flowers, trees and bushes. Things are happening slower than last year, due to the recent cold snap, but spring is definitely here. The anticipation can sometimes lead to unrealistic expectations, and so I put out some orange halves for possible early arriving Orioles the other day. The House Finches were delighted, the Goldfinch not so much. I have my Hummingbird feeder out as well, and keep an eye on to see when they are likely to arrive. We are trying to add more native plants to our garden every year, to make it into a bird paradise that benefits us humans too, and I cannot wait to dig in the dirt again.

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birb, birds, borb, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birb, birds, borb, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

Round is the word of the day,

for one because we are experiencing what is hopefully the last frost and for two because it’s Earth Day! The weather might not be good for gardening everywhere yet but this time is perfect to get a little garden planning on. There are lots of possibilities to make your garden more inviting for birds, also some that might not come to a feeder. Native flowers and berry bushes and trees can help creating more habitat for the wildlife around us. Stay warm! (MoDo, Grackle, Robin and Cardinal)

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