birds, Birdsy, spring migration, video Ostdrossel . birds, Birdsy, spring migration, video Ostdrossel .

Video: The Count is back

The yard is filled with sounds of spring, as the Redwinged Blackbirds and Grackles have returned this week. We are still expecting frost too, but it is nice to see and hear more signs of spring. This one is a returner, I recognize him by his white spot, which also marks him as one of the family of the Count in my book. I sped the video up in the middle so everybody watches long enough to see him disapproving of the lack of peanuts in the bowl 😁⁠

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Livestream PSA

I have several Birdsy cameras in my yard that I am livestreaming in different spots. The main bath/ pond in the summer can be watched here on my website but also on BirdsyTV. The Tree cam and the green bath cam are livestreaming on that website as well, I am going to post links below. You can give my channels and cams and also videos a like there too. The website will eventually grow but there are already several cams public there. My own livecams change throughout the year, I may move them around, activate and deactivate per my needs. But here is how you find them:

1. Ostdrossel pond channel: and

2. Ostdrossel3 channel (tree cam and shed cam and sometimes a third one):

Activity will ramp up in the coming weeks with migration starting, so there may be lots of fun stuff to see. Check it out if you like

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animal, critters, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel . animal, critters, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel .

Video: So bouncy!

A mouse has made a home under the ground feeder, feeding from everything that falls to the ground. Last night, a fox visited and then this happened. I have seen this in videos before but did not think it would happen here. I love the markings on this beautiful creature, and I hope he was able to find some food at some point (I don’t think he got the mouse).

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animal, birb, birds, Birdsy, critters, video Ostdrossel . animal, birb, birds, Birdsy, critters, video Ostdrossel .

Video: The tree cam setup

has proven to be the most entertaining during this rather drab time. I have gone through the videos from the last couple of weeks and made a little montage. I use peanut butter and bark butter on the tree. It is fun to see how many different birds came tocheck it out. Yesterday, there was also a hawk visitng, I was thinking a Sharp-shinned but it could just as well be a Cooper’s. The bird right after it is the banded American Tree Creeper that has been coming for a bit. Have a great Wednesday!

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birds, fall migration, feeders, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel . birds, fall migration, feeders, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel .

Video: Tiny feeder for the small crowd

I have seen these for a while now and always wanted one, and finally bit the bullet (I found the feeder on Etsy, with a seller named PKNKTreasures). This feeder is on the small side, and I love that I haven't seen a Dove on it yet. Well, and of course the adorable look! The Bluebirds found it pretty quickly too. Yay! I am livestreaming this cam currently on one of my channels over at They have a sale going on right now too, you can get their camera for $149 right now.

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birds, bird bath, Birdsy, fall migration, video, merch Ostdrossel . birds, bird bath, Birdsy, fall migration, video, merch Ostdrossel .

Video: They are back!

Two days ago, fall really started, with leaves changing colors and temperatures dropping. I closed the pond for the season and have set up three heated baths this year, one on the ground at the pond spot, one on a pedestal, and then this one, which is mounted above ground. It is smaller than the others, and it took the birds a bit to find it but now it is in good use. There was a group of Robins passing through that took to it, the woodpeckers seem to like it because it allowes them easy access, and the smaller birds enjoy it as well. Like the Juncos that have just started to return too. I hope you have a wonderful Sunday. Check out the calendar shop as well - from today until the 14th, calendars are 10 % off.

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birds, Birdsy, fall migration, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel . birds, Birdsy, fall migration, GitUp, photo Ostdrossel .

And of course

I am trying to capture more Hummingbird photos while they are around. They are still the most magical little creatures to me and I am very happy to finally see a bit more of them. There seem to be at least three individuals. Two females and the male with the red feather. Below are the two females. The first one came right after a rain shower and has wet head feathers. I am also livestreaming two hummer feeders on BirdsyTV on my channel Ostdrossel3 there:

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birds, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel . birds, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel .

Video: Hummer!

As you know, hummingbird activity has been rather low for me this summer, a fact that made me very sad. But I did keep the feeders up in hopes that things would change. And yesterday, they finally did. I love this feeder that generously sent me because it looks so different and has such a clever filling system, and it was awesome to see it getting used. It was funny to see them explore the feeder. First I saw one trying to drink under the lid, but then they figured it out and then even sat. Wohoo! Let’s hope for more.

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birds, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel . birds, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel .

Video: Everybody has a sweet tooth!

I still have lots of Orioles coming, and the funny part is that this year, many more birds are seemingly having a sweet tooth and give the grape jelly a try. I have never seen a Cowbird doing it until yesterday.

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birds, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel . birds, Birdsy, video Ostdrossel .

Video: Feeder choice

can determine what crowd comes to visit a backyard, and this summer, I have been a bit overrun by larger birds. As you know I love the Grackles, and they usually keep to themselves and eventually migrate, but Blue Jays and MoDos have been particularly dominating this summer. The other day I realized that I haven’t seen a Chickadee or Nuthatch or even Downy Woodpecker in a long time, and they used to be regulars here and I miss them. Usually, I have a big platform feeder and then several smaller stations in different spots and some food on the ground. They are fun for watching but once the MoDos feel comfortable, they will just hang out there and let noone else in. The same goes for my camera feeders. The small bowls hold about two Doves, and that has been most of what I have been getting in photos lately. So in an effort to bring back diversity, I pulled out the smaller, more restrictive feeders, like this one from Kingsyard, that especially Doves cannot access. They try, the rumble you hear here is the MoDo landing on the nut container I placed over this camera for poop protection. The Blue Jays are not happy but they are less clumsy and will still find ways to enter a feeder. And lo and behold - these Goldfinches came yesterday, and this morning I heard Chickadees. I thought this clip was funny because there is also so much going on in the back with Groundhog and Gracks.⁠

Have a great Sunday!⁠

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baby bird, animal, birds, Birdsy, critters, video Ostdrossel . baby bird, animal, birds, Birdsy, critters, video Ostdrossel .

Videos: Babies, babies, babies!

Apart from the Blue Jays and Grackles, there are also young Robins, Woodpeckers and Cardinals. They are still curious and will visit all the feeders to see what is offered. Sometimes, this results in little dominance fights, like with the Robin and Canado here. The Robin has particularly pretty markings too.

The last video is not a bird, but an Opossum mommy that regularly shows up at night. And it looks like her belly pouch is full of little ones! She has quite the waddle going on, and I hope the babies will soon climb out there to get on her back. Well, and that she comes for a visit then too.

As you know, I am using Birdsy cameras around my yard to record feeders and the bird bath. Their website is the headquarters of BirdsyTV, a platform where Birdsy users can share their videos and live cams from their accounts. I have several channels there too and you can also find these videos there. I love visiting the site to check out other people’s setups, get entertained and inspired. And it is fun to see birds from Europe too! Check it out if you have the time.

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baby bird, birds, Birdsy, livestream, video Ostdrossel . baby bird, birds, Birdsy, livestream, video Ostdrossel .

Video: The hummingbirds

are making themselves really rare this year. I hear it is not just me, everybody seems to see less. I am not giving up hope, traditionally I have seen an uptick in activity by late July and August and even into September. So I am keeping the feeders clean and refilled. The Allura feeder that I was sent has proven to be very pleasant and practical because it is so easy to clean and has not given me any issues with ants or spills, and I don’t have to make huge batches of nectar that never get used. At least the baby Orioles are explory enough to come and visit. I am streaming this camera on BirdsyTv (, and hopefully there will be some hummer visitors at some point. The Allura feeder is available on Amazon.

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birds, Birdsy, livestream, video Ostdrossel . birds, Birdsy, livestream, video Ostdrossel .

BirdsyTV is online!

As you may know, I have been testing and using Birdsy cameras for a while now - I use them for my videos as well as for my livestream. Well, I am happy to annouce that Birdsy has now launched BirdsyTV. It is a platform where you can watch Birdsy live cams and videos from all over the world, and you don’t need an account. Wanna check out an Owl box in the UK or hummingbirds and wondrous critters in Ecuador? Go to They are still improving things, and new features will be added, and of course the community will grow. My stream and selected videos are there too. This is very exciting news and I am happy to be a part of it.

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