Get ready for Birdsy!

As you know, I have been using the Birdsy camera for quite a while now. (If you don’t - that is the camera I am using for my videos. I have written a bit more about it in my FAQ.) It has helped me getting to know my backyard visitors and also the ecosystem of my garden a lot better. It has brought me joy in the cold of the winter and the heat of the summer, in daylight as well as during the night, and it was a pleasure to share that with the world. Many people have asked me about it, and now I am happy to let you know that Birdsy is going to launch on Kickstarter on Monday, June 15th 2020. You can learn more here. I can help you out if you have questions, and I will also provide a special Ostdrossel link once it has started. I am very excited for the Birdsy team, they have created a fantastic product that I am sure will make lots of people happy.

Stay tuned!


During nesting season,


New Bluebird clutch!