During the winter,

a magical bird finds its way down to Michigan and enchants everybody who sees it. The Snowy Owl. This morning, we got up very early and went to an area where we thought we might see one (I will not disclose the location so there is no need to ask).

We got lucky. She was far away, too far for my humble lens to produce decent photos, but we got to witness the magic with our own eyes. My footage does not really do the bird justice, but I hope you still enjoy.

There is a lot of attention to them this year, probably because there are so many new birdwatchers, so it is good to remind everybody of proper etiquette - give them their space and put their safety first. No photo is worth a stressed out animal. Here is a great link with more information (https://www.projectsnowstorm.org/snowy-owl-etiquette/.


The Royals


The House Finches