Dr. Clara and Mandrake nesting 2021

I will collect the photos and info I gather for this first nesting here.

April 1, 2021: Little did I know… Dr. Clara spent the night in the box but not for the reasons I thought. She is clearly a weather expert and knew that it was going to be frosty. So in order to protect her eggs, she kept them warm during the night. And added one more this morning. That should be it now. Six would be crazy!

March 31, 2021: Dr. Clara laid her fourth egg this morning and seems to be spending a lot of time in the box. So it could be that she is done and starting to incubate. Incubation means that she sits on her eggs, warming them with a bald patch on her belly and moving and turning them regularly so they stay evenly warm. Bluebirds incubate fpr about two weeks. I keep track with the nest via the Nestwatch app and notes in my calendar. This way I can see if everything is happening according to schedule.

March 30th, 2021: As of today, there are three eggs in the nest. Now it is going to be an interesting guessing game to see how many more she will lay. If she lays more, which looks likely because she is not sitting on the eggs permanently yet.


Migration time is always interesting


It's 50 shades of Peep season.