As it always seems to happen

when things are fun, there is a downside to them too. And of course during my little trip I caught a cold that strapped me to bed for the entire week. I am thankfully on the mend now but have not been able to do much in the yard because of it. The cameras have still been out, and this was one of the clips I retrieved yesterday. The bathing quandaries of a Hermit Thrush... A lovely fall migration visitor. Too bad that the lens was splashed but thankfully he was aware and jumped right in front 😁 I love these cinnamony cuties! I only see them very rarely. (This was shot with the Ceyomur CY95 trailcam. Because of my cold I have not managed to get the alternative livestream for the pond up but hopefully I can tackle this this weekend.)


The end of an (*almost) era


After a very few