After doing this for about 8 years now,

sometimes I feel like I am getting a bit snobby when it comes to the bird photos I post. I know there can’t always be super exciting visitors, and this year seems to be especially odd too. So today here are some of the humble regulars but also a spectacular special guest because there happened to be one today. House Finches are some of the most loyal feathered friends around here, they stay year-round and also raise their babies here. The colors of the males can vary a lot, all according to what they eat. I love checking out all the details on their heads, the textures and colors are wonderful. Another regular, at least in the fall and winter, is the Goldfinch. Tiny feisty fellows who are not shy to show attitude towards their own or other birds when it comes to food, so this photo was perfect.

The special visitor today was Count Grackula again. I guess he is hanging around somewhere here, maybe waiting for temps to go up a bit again. Stay warm and have a lovely weekend.


Sorry for being a little quiet


It has been another busy week,