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A life-sign, and some care-taking

of my blog. As some may know, May has been a little rough for me with a medical emergency and hospital stay that required recovery in the first half. A week ago, I had another necessary procedure done, and this one unexpectedly hit me a little harder than expected, so I needed another week of recovery. I am slowly gaining my strength again and feeling better every day but things are not like before, and full recovery will need time. In the meantime, I have not used the computer a lot, meaning that I could not update things here. I have mostly posted videos on my socials because it is a lot easier and faster to do that from the phone.

So here are some updates, along with a link to my Youtube channel for the most recent videos even if you don’t use social media.

The Bluebirds have built a nest, and the female laid four beautiful eggs. They have hatched two days ago, and both parents are taking great care of them. I gave the box some extra protection by adding a wren guard on the day the first egg was laid. It is supposed to hide the entrance hole from the sight of the House Wrens who may otherwise inspect the nestbox and peck and toss eggs or babies. I have lost broods to them before, and the guard is a simple and effective solution.

The Chickadee babies are now 14 days old and look pretty amazing. The female laid 7 eggs, and all have made it to this point. Both male and female constantly feed and discard fecal sacks. I am linking a video below.

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